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Real-time collection of valuable reviews

Use highly anonymous rotating residential proxies to continuously access review content, ensuring you don’t miss any valuable information. Collect reviews about your business from social media platforms and review sites in real-time. Quickly respond to negative reviews to retain important customers and improve customer satisfaction.

Timely and accurate review data

No IP blocks or restrictions

Largest residential IP proxy pool

Mass monitoring of comments on multiple websites

Collecting online reviews from all websites comprehensively is a daunting challenge. Use our high-quality proxies to bypass geographical restrictions and collect customer reviews on a large scale from around the world. Engage actively with customers to gain valuable insights and optimize your business strategy.

Proxy network covering195+countries/regions

Unlimited concurrent sessions

24/7team support

Types of review monitoring proxies

Use Thordata's review collection solutions to elevate your review scraping to new heights.

Detailed integration documentation

Effectively manage your proxy network using our API and integration features. Find code examples and guides to ensure smooth connections with your tools.


Supports third-party software integration

The most powerful proxy API

Multiple coding language options

Advantages of Thordata proxies in review monitoring

100% ethically sourced

Thordata sources all proxy products ethically, ensuring accurate and high-quality IP addresses.

Avoid IP or other restrictions

Bypass IP bans and CAPTCHAs, maintaining anonymity and unobstructed large-scale collection of public data.

Unmatched proxy quality

99.9% uptime and high response speed, efficiently collecting large amounts of data without delays or downtime.

Global geographic coverage

60M+ IPs from over 195 countries/regions, unrestricted access to internet content worldwide.

User-friendly self-service dashboard

View all proxy data usage through our dashboard, create and manage sub-accounts.

Real-time customer support

24/7 quick and helpful customer support, contact us whenever you need assistance.

Other common use cases

Explore the use cases of Thordata proxies across various industries. Maximize your business potential with our reliable proxy solutions.

Price Monitoring

Utilize our extensive pool of 60M+ IPs and scraping tools to efficiently monitor prices across various platforms, enabling effective market analysis and dynamic pricing

Market Research

Utilize a reliable residential proxy to collect public data, conduct market research, and achieve deep insights and strategic optimization.


Use Thordata proxy services to protect your online privacy and effectively prevent data breaches and cyberattack risks.

Data Generation AI

Seamlessly collect high-quality data from any country to enhance AI model training.

Frequently asked questions

What is review monitoring?

Review monitoring refers to the real-time tracking and analysis of customer feedback and reviews posted on various platforms (such as social media, review sites, and e-commerce platforms). This process aims to understand customer opinions and sentiments, respond promptly to customer needs and issues, thereby enhancing brand reputation, improving product or service quality, and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is review monitoring important for your brand?

Review monitoring is crucial for brand image and reputation. According to customer review studies, 94% of customers will avoid a business after reading negative reviews. By collecting review data using proxy IPs, you can quickly respond to potential negative impacts while enhancing user satisfaction through active engagement. Effective review monitoring can also uncover market trends, providing valuable references for product optimization and marketing strategies, thereby enhancing brand competitiveness.

How do proxies help monitor online reviews?

Proxies can help monitor online reviews in various ways. By providing anonymous access and bypassing geographical restrictions, they ensure users can collect and analyze review data from different regions. Using proxy IPs, businesses can avoid being banned or restricted by websites, allowing them to continuously gather customer feedback, respond promptly, and optimize services to enhance brand reputation.

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Web scraping proxies that get the data you want

Scale your business with easy-to-use, high-quality, and affordable proxy infrastructure

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